Datasheet and tolerances
All loudspeakers frequency responses are
measured at 0.3 m/2.83 V in IEC baffle and normalized to 1 m with 1/12 oct. smoothing. Frequency response displayed in the
datasheet is an average frequency response only. Particular frequency response
can alter in +/-1,5 db.
All loudspeakers impedance responses and T/S
parameters are measured at 20mV in free field. Impedance response displayed in
the datasheet is an average impedance response only. Particular impedance response
can alter in +/-10%.
Following specifications: Nominal impedance, Sensitivity 2.83V/1m, Moving mass, Force factor, Resonance
frequency, Mechanical Q factor, Electrical Q factor, Total Q factor, Magnetic
flux density, Voice coil inductance and DC resistance are given with +/-10%
We are giving 5 years warranty on
our speaker drivers. It does not include:
Burned voice coils
Broken membranes
Damaged mechanical parts and/or loudspeaker
malfunction caused by external impact
Please note: our drivers are made for the indoor
use only and are not designed and/or tested in automotive, marine, outdoor or
other environments. We do not guaranty any
safe and reliable operation if used outdoor, beyond the recommended frequency range
given in the datasheet and/or without recommended passive crossover circuit. In
case of the use of T25, T34 and M74 series drivers in active systems or
measurements without passive crossover circuit, DC blocking capacitor must be applied.
Any damage or malfunction caused by ignoring abovementioned guide lines will be
not covered under our warranty.
Surface of beryllium membranes can contain
spots, color alternations and be matt or shiny. These are peculiarities of beryllium foil
manufacturing process and cannot be the reasons for the claim.
In our drivers we are using parts made from
natural silk and natural sheep wool. These materials were taking after many
listening tests as the best sounding materials. Obviously, natural materials
having more material tolerances than synthetic ones. By using internally
developed technology, we can minimize these tolerances, however we cannot cancel
them completely. These material tolerances can cause some impedance curve
irregularities, which are not impacting driver performance and sound quality within
the recommended application range and cannot be the reasons for the claim.